About this site…

This site details my 7,500 mile bicycle journey from Cairo, Egypt to Capetown, South Africa in the Tour d’Afrique from January to May of 2010.

Please check out the blog page for details of my progress. I’m usually about a week or so behind in posting the updates, but the Jauntlet mini-blog to the right is is mostly up-to-date.

For those who know me, you probably already think I’m a bit crazy for doing the type of traveling that I do. Well, now that you’ve heard I’m taking on this ridiculously long bicycle expedition, there should no longer be any doubt in your mind.

Even if you’re not crazy enough to come along, you might still be at least a little bit curious about Africa, bicycle touring, or the event itself. The good news is that you don’t have to endure the arduous exercise, scorching sun, dry deserts, poor roads, or saddle sores yourself. You can follow me from the comfort of your computer in your climate controlled environment, safe from tropical diseases, dehydration, political unrest, and sports injuries. You can still sleep in an actual bed at night and take running water for granted.

So check out the tabs above and follow along on the blog page. While you’re at it, consider donating a bicycle or three (or even a little bit towards a bicycle) that we can give to health care workers along our route. See the Donations page for more details.


  1. Comment by Wayne Woodward:

    Great website Dan.
    see you in Cairo.

  2. Comment by Jesselynn Desmond:

    You are amazing! I knew CRAZY ran in the family! You are also AWESOME for doing this! What a great thing to do for yourself! What an experience? Love you and send you well wishes and blessings! XOXO Jesselynn

  3. Comment by Mary Johnson:

    I hope your shoulder injury and sun sensitivity are improving daily, and that you and the other injured riders will soon be back 100%. There are a lot of people back here (in the USA) that are watching your progress and cheering you on. Love you.

  4. Comment by admin:

    Thanks for the well-wishes. My shoulder is doing fine. Nothing serious. I’m sure I can cope with the sun sensitivity, but I’ll switch malaria medications if I can find Malarone. Sadly, not all injured riders are doing so well, and a few have had to leave the tour at least temporarily. Please note that my detailed blog posts are often a week or so behind due to Internet access issues. The mini-blog and map on the right is kept a little more up-to-date.

  5. Comment by Mary Johnson:

    I tried to make a donation again after our phone conversation. Guess what???? It went through. I have a confirmation number and a receipt sent to my Charter e-mail address. It shows you as the donations coordinator. Let me know if there are any problems at your end. Happy biking!

  6. Comment by Barbara Desmond:

    Hey Dan:
    I just got your blog address. Wow! What a trip! I really don’t think you are crazy, but WOW, you have got to be crazy!! Really, I admire you for your courage and tenacity. I don’t think this is anything I could ever do. What a trip! I am a big admirer of yours. It takes someone special to engage in such a trip. I pray you stay well and enjoy every day of you huge adventure.
    Take Care,

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