Ready to race!

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Wait. Race?

I know I said I was planning on doing the tour as an expedition instead of a race, but decided yesterday to sign up as a racer. No, my mentality hasn’t changed. I still plan to take my time through most of the continent. There just doesn’t seem to be any downside to officially being registered as a racer. The perks: more accurate time-keeping and the opportunity to win stages or sections. My goal for the journey is still EFI.

Yesterday we had a test ride out to the Saqqara pyramids. My bike performed well. I had a mishap with the tire pump in the morning and ended up tearing out a valve stem, though, as well as breaking both a steel tire lever and my nifty cantilever tire tool. The Schwalbe tires everyone on the tour bought are really tight.

I’ll add pictures when I can. Meanwhile, the Internet is in short supply and it’s bed time. Breakfast is at 4:30!

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